DXsoft Products /
AALog / Version history
AALog versions history
Version 3.2 (20 Sep 2013)
you can download list of LoTW user (Files - Import - LoTW users list) and AALog will display info about LoTW status of the station in new QSO window.
it's possible configure Ins key to switch between the main and the new qso window
if the "New QSO" window is in "log writing" mode "Log-writing mode is active" message displayed and the clocks are not visible.
fixed bug with "-" and "+" keys in RST fields. You can enter 59+10dB now. To increase/decrease S-report use Ctrl-"+"/Ctrl-"-" keys
press Alt+Backspace in the callsign field (New QSO window) to restore last saved callsign
in the right bottom corner of main window AALog show the number of the selected contacts
fixed bug when own callsign from cluster replaces operator-entered callsign in the New QSO window
Value of the Freq field in the New QSO field is always editable now. When you exit this field AALog will try to adjust the proper band value based on the entered frequency.
lookup in QRZ.RU and HamQTH.com added. Now AALog support QRZ.COM, QRZ.RU, Hamcall, HamQTH.com, dxsummit.fi, ik3qar.it
it's possible customize internet sources where AALog will search data.
Option to Save and Load data field layout.
fixed small bugs
Version 3.0 (10 Dec 2008)
New version published
Version 2.47 (20 Nov 2004)
support for BandMaster added
RDA list updated
CQ operation can be logged
10 QSO on QSL-labels
bug fixed
Version 2.46 (29 Feb 2004)
RDA list updated
it's possible to use Enter key to save QSO in the "New QSO" window
limited features to logging satellite QSO added
minor bugs fixed
Version 2.45 (30 Oct 2003)
USA-CA and URDA awards added
display log name in the "Previous QSO" window
number of QSL in the list in the "QSL service" window
QTH info from log configuration may be printed for every QSO on the label
note from log for each QSO may be printed on the label
state and grid fields the internal callbook added
fields for state, grid, manager in the "Global edit" window added
dropdown list for the state field added
DXAtlas interface updated
some minor bugs fixed
Version 2.44 (11 May 2003)
- Helvetia and TPEA awards added.
- delete operation and quick search in the internal callbook added.
- some minor bugs fixed.
Version 2.43 (26 Jan 2003)
- bug in DPF and DDFM awards fixed.
- bug in the QSL service fixed.
- some minor bugs fixed.
Version 2.42 (21 Dec 2002)
- new awards DPF, DDFM added.
- qsl label format has max number of contacts for this label-type.
- start print from any labels on the first page.
- update mode for adif import added.
- fixed TrueTTY communication in the Pileup mode.
- minor bugs fixed.
Version 2.41 (16 Sep 2002)
- fixed bugs in import from another loggers.
- fixed bug with Pentium 4 (program not start).
Version 2.4 (14 Sep 2002)
- DXAtlas interface improved. You can call DXAtlas from "New QSO" window.
- GRID export to DXAtlas.
- Grid import from RAC.
- you can enter note for all contacts when import data from another loggers.
- fixed several minor bugs.
Version 2.3 beta (05 Jul 2002)
- new awards added (JCG, Worked all Ukraine, Russian Districts Award).
- fixed some New QSO window problems.
- Updating awards statistic when you refresh databases.
- fixed problem with RAC callbook.
Version 2.2 (02 Apr 2002)
- you can on/off Autocomplete function in New QSO window.
- DX notebook added.
- import from AALog contest module.
- New QSO window changed.
- Backup/restore logs module added.
- interface with trannsceivers via HamPort program added.
- save settings of Previous QSO window.
- COM-interface for statistic and Cluster monitor.
Version 2.11 beta (19 Jan 2002)
- you can customize order of the fields in the New QSO window (see Configuration|Interface properties).
- all interface settings moved to menu Configuration|Interface properties.
- fixed some bugs in the DXAtlas interface.
Version 2.1 beta (09 Nov 2002)
- DXAtlas support added.
- spin buttons for time and RST fields in the New QSO window added.
- new one message in the New QSO window added.
- autofinishing QTH and name fields.
- quick incremental search in the open log.
- quick new qso panel in the main window.
- import from EasyLog.
- export to cabrillo.
- Find QSO window is resizable now.
Version 2.0 release (26 Aug 2001)
- fixed some minor bugs.
- callbook access rewritten. Now AALog can automatically insert callbook info in the Name and QTH fields.
- help file included.
Version 2.0 beta 7 (10 Jun 2001)
- fixed some minor bugs.
- internal QSL-managers databes is added.
- German DOKs tracking is added.
- you can edit IOTA list and DOK list now.
- adif import is much more faster.
- import from Log-Eqf 9.x is added.
- Show QSOs button in the Award Tracker window show contacts for selected bands/modes only.
- fixed bug with New QSO window.
- you can print name of operator in the QSL-labels.
Version 2.0 beta 6 (07 Mar 2001)
- fixed some minor bugs.
- fixed error for macros ~[lc] from TrueTTY.
- in import from text procedure you can import CQ and ITU zone values.
Version 2.0 beta 5 (23 Feb 2001)
- fixed some minor bugs.
- added print facilities in the Award tracker window.
- if AALog receive callsign from TrueTTY or CwGet in the New QSO and Previous contacts window is open then AALog update information in Previous contacts window.
- key Pause in the New QSO window clear edit fields.
- updated QSL and envelop label printing procedure. Now you can create own format for any size of label.
- when you minimize main window New QSO window stay on the screen.
- new format of modes.aal file. You can add max report value after = there. This value will be placed to the send/rcvd rst field when you change mode (SSB=59, CW=599 e.t.c.).
Version 2.0 beta 4 (21 Nov 2000)
- fixed Follow button bug in the Find QSO window.
- fixed bug in ADIF import when Convert meters to MHz option is selected.
- fixed some bugs in the territory determination algorithm.
- field length for operator name in config file increased up to 30 chars.
- added DXCC and State search in the Find QSO window.
- new design of the Award tracker window.
- added Show QSOs and More info fuctions for selected line in the Award tracker window.
- in the Import from text function you can use option Convert meters to MHz.
- if you not describe positions for Mode, Band or RST in the Import from text window you will be asked to enter values for this fields.
Version 2.0 beta 3 (24 Oct 2000)
- fixed bugs in Awards manager window.
- fixed date/time bug in New QSO window.
- state name field is case-insensitive now.
- in the small variant of the New QSO window ITU and CQ zone indication replaced by the beam heading.
- fixed bug in the DXCC list window.
- AALog save last values of the band and mode fields in the New QSO window now.
- added information about local time, UTC and time of the remote station.
- Award statistic window is non modal if you open it from the main window.
- added option Display only QSO mode for the Award statistic window.
- updated toolbar and fixed reversed time values.
- fixed bug in Run config window.
- fixed bugs in Prefix list window.
- added IOTA search in the Find QSO window.
- if grid info is entered in the New QSO window then log use it for beam heading calculation.
- you can put contacts to the qsl labels queue from Previous contacts and Find QSO windows now.
- you can call Edit QSO window from the Previous contacts window.
- more accuracy work with callsigns like FR/F6AAA/T.
- Bug with QSL labels printing was fixed.
Version 2.0 beta 2 (1 Oct 2000)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Bug in database converter was fixed.
- Bug in import from text procedure bugs were fixed.
- Bugs in ADIF import procedure were fixed.
- New QSO window was fixed.
- Bug with QSL labels printing was fixed.
- Info about beam heading into Edit QSO window was added.
- Local time info in the main window was added.
Version 2.0 beta (15 Sep 2000)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Bug with losing data when PC off was fixed.
- Statistic for any mode and band now is available.
- Manual change of territory if automatic detection is wrong.
- Added WAS, P75P, WAIP, IOTA, WAJA, JCC, Russia awards.
- Marker for call/QSO.
- Enhanced filter and search functions.
- Print your QSL and envelop labels from AALog now.
- RAC (Flying horse) and Octavia CD-ROM support were added.
- Export/import any part of the log.
- Import from LOG-EQF.
- New QSL status for outgoing QSLs Printed.
- Internal Callbook.
- Unlimited number of Log sets and you can give own name for your sets (see ASETS.AAL).
- User can edit DXCC-list now.
Version 1.1.3 (27 Feb 2000)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Several small bugs were fixed.
Version 1.1.2 (10 Feb 2000)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Bugs in the Import from text function were fixed.
Version 1.1.1 (06 Feb 2000)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Bug in Show fields in grid window was fixed. Checkbox QSL manager work properly now.
- Error in Update mode for Copy/move to another log functions was fixed.
- Import from OH1AA logger is Y2K ready now.
Version 1.0 (15 Sep 1999)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Bug in the filter by band when band entered like 14120.2 was fixed.
Version 1.0 beta (10 Jul 1999)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Bug with export Note field into the text file was fixed.
- Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Ins bugs in New QSO window were fixed.
- Last record deletion bug was fixed.
- UTC conversion error (when minute difference not zero) was fixed.
- Bug in Prefix list window (when you edit prefix right after its adding) was fixed.
- Possibility of collaboration with QSL managers databases (QMGR, QSL Routes) and QRZ-callbook.
- Possibility of selection all contacts in current log.
- Territory name field for selected QSO in main window.
- Fast change status of QSL exchange for selected contact in current log (Ctrl-R, Ctrl-S).
- Indication of data transformation error at the import from the text.
- Quick searching in Award list window.
- Global comment for importing from text contacts window.
- Indication of data transformation error at the import from the text.
- Possibility of defining own QSL-labels.
- Indication DXCC and WAZ status in Edit QSO window.
- Possibility of filtering by name and QSL-manager.
- Translation possibility for keyboards with two layouts of chars.
- Time of QSO (when you work in real time) setting when you press Save button.
Version 0.914 (10 Jan 1999)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Bug in DXCC and WAZ statistic module was fixed.
- Copy and move data to another log were fixed.
- New prefix determination algorithm.
- New design of New QSO, Edit QSO and Import from text windows.
- Structure of PREFIX.DB, APREFIX.DB, ?DXCC.DB were changed. New database DXCC.DB was added.
- Support for CW-terminal CwType by UA9OSV.
- Power filters for current log.
- Ctrl-Ins copies current QSO information to the Windows clipboard.
- Log packing and reindexing.
- Search function works with all logs where Award set are equals to current.
Version 0.913 (19 Sep 1998)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Error importing from textfile when band entered in meters was fixed.
- Structure of AACONFIG.DB and main log database were changed.
- DXCC and WAZ statistic were added.
- All data exporting in textfile.
- Fast search in Prefix list window.
- Grid font customizing in main window.
- Contacts determined as duplicated during import, saving in textfile.
Version 0.911 (15 June 1998)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Several small bugs were fixed.
- Searching by mask with use ? and *.
- Import from OH1AA program.
- Import from any textfile.
- When QSO entering in the field of callsign works only Latin alphabet.
- When entering QSO first letter of name and QTH automatically will converted in uppercase.
- RST field length increase up to 10 chars.
- QTH field length increase up to 20 symbols.
- Documentation was written.
Version 0.901 (07 May 1998)
Corrections and bug fixes:
- Some bugs with entering old QSOs were corrected.
Version 0.900 (01 May 1998)
First public version was released.